Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Woza Masala

We've started a blog for our television production crew and we are called, Woza Masala - woza for bring on, and masala for mix, so it's bring on the mix coza there is a Xhosa, Indonesian, English and an Afrikaaner in the group. All four of us are in different nations. Cool huh? My sister says the name is crap and unimaginative. but that's okay, it serves our purpose for now. We even have a blog. I have been geekishly working on it for the past few days and I havn't gotten a template that I have been 100% satisfied with, but I guess it serves our purpose as well. You can check it out on We're gonna fill it with more posts and stuff so we can keep the notes we've been taking in class and what we would've learned throughout this 6 week period.