Thursday, November 16, 2006

Indeed our over ambitous group got 76% percent for our documentary...we were told it can't be done...but guess what? WE DID IT, WE DID IT, WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!! We are officially the royals of the medium [note the big headedness - it's essential to carry the crown]. We did it! We did it! Na na na na na!
Okay, the joy is because we were under so much strain at the begining, we had no good story ideas that could carry through and we had no direction really. So for 3 of the 6 weeks we were given in the intensive, we had nothing, which meant we had 3 weeks to pull off what we were supposed to pull off in 6 weeks. And we came ontop of the game. We had a difficult story to tackle, with many storylines. We had to make a highly complex story fit into 5 min. We did it! not to say there aren't a few problems with the documentary, there are, for sure. There are things there that could be greatly improved. But I'm just proud of everyone in the group for pulling their weight and making the whole experience worth it.

A First, a First, we got another First!

Indeed our over ambitous group got 76% percent for our documentary...we were told it can't be done...but guess what? WE DID IT, WE DID IT, WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!! We are officially the royals of the medium [note the big headedness - it's essential to carry the crown]. We did it! We did it! Na na na na na!
Okay, the joy is because we were under so much strain at the begining, we had no good story ideas that could carry through and we had no direction really. So for 3 of the 6 weeks we were given in the intensive, we had nothing, which meant we had 3 weeks to pull off what we were supposed to pull off in 6 weeks. And we came ontop of the game. We had a difficult story to tackle, with many storylines. We had to make a highly complex story fit into 5 min. We did it! not to say there aren't a few problems with the documentary, there are, for sure. There are things there that could be greatly improved. But I'm just proud of everyone in the group for pulling their weight and making the whole experience worth it.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


If that's even spelled like that. Anyway, just finished uploading our final video for the documentaries that we had to produce for our television intensive. It was fantastic! The only downside with the web friendly version that I have just uploaded is that you can barely hear the music that we used as a bedding track for our piece, especially for the more long and boring parts with talking heads, where you need something like music as a device to move the arguments along. Anyway, if you wanna check it out just click the link on the sidebar for wozamasala. (Or just click the link)