Tuesday, May 30, 2006


This was an amamzing movie, below, I've said how the critics have rated it, I havn't read the comic books but I rate it with an A. It was fantastiko!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

X-Men: The Last Stand

This movie has been given a B- rating by the Amerikano critics and a B+ by fans....can't wait to see it. I think it was released yesterday, worldwide, not sure if we have it 'officoally' in grahamstown yet....anyway this is the synopsis.
A "cure" for mutancy threatens to alter the course of history. For the first time, mutants have a choice: retain their uniqueness, though it isolates and alienates them, or give up their powers and become human. The opposing viewpoints of mutant leaders Charles Xavier, who preaches tolerance, and Magneto, who believes in the survival of the fittest, are put to the ultimate test--triggering the war... See Full Description

You've been splogged!

alexmaughan: this was one of my friend's blog addresses and it got snubbed by blogger. Sure enough blooger can legally do this, but is it fair? Now when you google his name, the first thing that appears is this url and it only carries advertising for google. As if these nana's don't get enough advertising.

Let's make light of this...Zuma

On this week's cover of Drum we have Zuma on the front cover and his daughter with her arms around his neck and both are smiling at the camera. The headline goes something like this, "Daddy's hip-hop star". This month Zuma was found 'not guilty' at his rape trial and South Africans across the board were devided on the outcome. Some believed that he was guilty while others believe that he was framed and it was all a ploy to make sure that he would not succeed as South Africa's new president. Xhosas are quite strong in politics in this country and Zuma is Zulu and many feel that the Xhosas are trying to make sure that a Zulu, or any other group, never gets to be president of the country. Whether Zuma is guilty or not, is irrelevant here. What I feel this article puts forth is that a political leader who has no ethics and morals in staying true to his wife and family by refraining from any intimate relationships reserved for a spouse, with any other individual, and a politcal leader who has perpertuated a myth (that if you shower after sex you minimise contracting HIV) and endangering his wife's life by having sex with an HIV positive woman, should be celebrated and seen as a national hero. Zuma pulled a 'cultural' card in the trial by saying that in the Zulu culture, if a man is to lie with a woman he must go the whole 9 yards, he cannot stop before they actually do the deed and say he is not interested anymore. I'm am pretty sure that in the Zulu culture, it is also improper to lie with a woman that you are not married to...so I'm not sure what his point was in that regard. It is sad to see that a man who cannot be devout to his family, the thing that should be of a singular importance to a human being, is celebrated and is seen as a hero and is accepted by many to be a 'good' leader. If he cannot stay true in the home, how can he be true to the nation. A friend said something very important on this subject, she said that if Bill Clinton got into so much trouble for immorality at the oval office, how can Zuma be celebrated when he was accused of rape, cheated on his wife in his home where his daughter was just a couple of rooms down the hall, a man of no moral fibre who gives integrity no currency, be seen as a national hero?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Chocolate Rant...Allow me, I hate bad food

Some people think that chocolate doesn't get old, but guess what buster...IT DOEEEEEEEEEES! i JUST HAD THE WORST LUNCH BAR EVER. I love lunchbar, which is why I bought lunchbar, now I looked forward to eating my lunchbar, and my lunchbar tasted like puppy poo poo. They sell the stuff to you old...damnit! And the shop's too far away for me to go exchange it...CRAP! I think anyone who sells bad chocolate should be arrested.....Coz who gets left with the bad taste in their mouth? ME!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Some interesting stuff on social networking

« Myspace revenue $200M this year Main Anyone noticing huge spam on their blackberry? »
What's next for social networking?
I'm sitting by a in florida wondering about this question. (Don't believe in real vacations:)
First, what have we learned? The facebook has shown us the power of both closed trusted networks and highly penetrated communities. I've been waiting for some researcher like danah boyd to show us a graph. I'm sure it would prove that there is an exponential increase in user value as a network goes from 1 % to 10 % and 30 %. (And if someone has already shown this, let me know.)_____________________________________________________________________________________

There's more on this blog about social networking

Create some music

I wanna create music...jam all day and all night creating music and rhythm that's good for the soul. It would be absolutely fantastic. Jam with some really great musicians and let all the creativity flow out. Yep! I wanna create music...soon though, very soon, I'll be able to do just that...

Friday, May 05, 2006

Okay, this is not a very clear picture but can you beleive it that this picture comprises 64 different women's facial features! Check out what face morphing can do...

This experiment is done by people working within the psychology field. the site is called beautycheck and their conclusions are that the average looking person is the one that people find to be attractive.
