Thursday, June 29, 2006


It is the kick - off of the Grahamstown Festival (National Arts Festival) and it is BIG. My first thingi majigi I watched was Carmen, it was absolutely fantastic, TICKETS ARE SOLD OUT PEOPLE! The stage setting and the dancing was very good with some very lively and colourful characters. But I am a word person and I always found it exciting when they used their voices and wished they used them more, not necessarily on speaking but screams, shouts etc...would've been real cool, but anyway, it is a ballet and dance is the focus. Can't wait 2 c some jazz and drama, should be quite a lekker fest...there are so many posters, so many shows and it is just crazy how the festival is just growing, it definitly seems bigger this year than the last...don't know what the official report says but anyhoo...Gonna have a GOOOOOOD TIME!