Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I've been in the comp-room with the Mac machine. The programmes on that baby are the BOMB! Where have I been all my life? Burried in Windows? What the heck? What's that all about? I wanted to buy a laptop earlier this year. I was gonna have windows, the whole shabam. Thank goodness it didn't happpen because "I KNOW OF A SURITY, THAT THE MAC IS TRUE" (where my Mormon peops at?). Final Cut Pro is the way forward and that Garage Band software, don't forget the iDVD, honey it's crazy up in dir! Okay, am officially a techno freak. Yes Apple has a candy interface but what it can do! oh baby! Okay. That's me for now. I'm spending my last few weeks getting well acquainted with it. So that's me peops, my next best friend is a Mac. Sorta sad how I'm just being sucked into the geek world like this. It's kinds cool as well anyhoo. Just check out the video " Too white and Nerdy" by Weird Al, except in my case it'll be "Black & Nerdy" Damnit! Assimilation is tightening its grip. You know what they say, once u go white you can't go back. HELL NO! I ain't in that deep y'all! Still got al my shiznit going, it's black u don't go back 4 shizzy (*take note that shizzy is now outdated in the Ebonics dictionary).