Tuesday, April 04, 2006

An Ensign to the world

"we let our prophets go to waste" - robbie williams. a rather interesting subject to quote on this topic but a rather true statement. Less than 1% of the world's population listens to the prophet of the world. He gets less coverage than most religious leaders such as those who are in the Catholic, Jewish and Buddhist faiths. his religion also gets the most slack and criticism than most other religions.

he spoke this weekend to the ears that may listen and to the eyes that would hear. the weekend was filled with the most sweetest words that man could ask for in such times of trouble.

comfort from the world's woes and encouraging words of peace within the storm that each heart that heard should have felt a stillness, meditating upon the wonder, glory and miracle that is called life. a prophet of the world spoke to the world and not to a specific group, his words are for each living soul on this earth, not just those who belong to the faith. he worships a saviour, not a saviour of the christian faith but a saviour of the world, a servant and friend to the Master and Lord of the earth, giving answers to the questions of humanity, not a figment of your imagination but reality that is as real as your existance.